Thursday 10 October 2013

Full Arabic Homework

                                 Year 5 Arabic work
                                    Al Mawred
Reread lesson 11 49 &50&51 & answer the drills
page 53 &54 &55 &56 &57 &58 on their copy books.
إعادة قراءة الدرس 11 صفحة وحل التدريبات في كراسة الفصل
 صفحة53 – 54 – 55 -56 – 57 – 58 .          

Homework Thursday and Saturday

Gamea:  Rounding numbers:                             Time game: clockwork

Online line Rounding quiz:


Report Writing: Copy and answer the questions on paper

Reading Comprehension:
Online Quiz:

Number Operations:

Online quiz:


Report Writing: Copy and answer the questions on paper

Capitals: Game

Parts of speech: Panda Game

Arabic as a Second Language - Homework

Year 4 ASL work
                                 Al Bostan 2
Do exercises page60 &61 &62 on their copy book.
حل التـدريبات صفحة 60 &61 & تعبير صفحة 62 في كراسة الفصل

Monday 7 October 2013

Saturday 5 October 2013

Science Homework

Read the information on this link and do the quiz

Chn have fun investigating their own skeletons & muscles. Look closely at
bones, joints & muscles & compare human skeletons with other creatures’.
They use their muscles & bones to discover the effects of exercise, then
take & compare body measurements

By the end of this stydy
I can:
1. Describe how joints in my skeleton enable movements.
2. Understand that muscles work in antagonistic pairs.
3. Understand that muscles attached to my bones contract (pull) to create movement.
 Try to build your  skelton here

Go to this link and click on bones -

Mathematic work measurement

The aim of the following activites is to conoslidate and extend your measurement work you have been doing in class.
Measurement quiz

Design a zoo

This is a good link for some fun extra activities
Read the story below and answer the questions -  - Don't forget to use your RUCSAC
When you have finished you can do the activities on this link
Kit and Matthew began their African safari at the watering hole. They had two
days to see all the wildlife they could. Their parents and the guide kept them safe.
The first morning ten elephants claimed the waterhole
for their morning bath. Soon Kit counted eighteen zebras
coming for water. A dozen baboons wandered in and started making noise and
acting silly. Matthew laughed hard and loud at their antics. His noise sent five zebras
running off.
The next day everyone rode into the bush. They paused to
look at a lone rhino standing in a clearing. While they were
looking, the rhino began to charge them. Kit and Matthew
screamed, but the guide drove them to safety.
Further on they found a pride of eight lions dozing under an acacia
tree. Above the lions played twenty-two monkeys in the tree.
Matthew and Kit saw a giraffe with a baby standing beside a tree. The giraffe
stretched to reach its food with its tongue. A trio of jackals moved nearby to threaten
them. The jackals ran out of sight when the jeep came too close to them.
Everyone was tired. They’d seen no leopards, or hyenas, or cheetahs. Lions
hadn’t roared, but a rhino had threatened them. What an exciting adventure they
Super Teacher Worksheets -

Name: _______________________
African Safari Adventure
Math Story by Claudette J. Young
Use information from the story to answer the questions.
Show your work in the space to the right.
How many animals did the children see their first day
on safari?
answer: ___________________
How many zebras were left at the waterhole when some
of them were startled by Matthew’s laughter?
answer: ___________________
If seven monkeys fell out of the acacia tree and ran
off, how many would be left in the branches?
answer: ___________________
How many jackals were left when the jeep came
too close?
answer: ___________________
If the pride of lions went to the waterhole that first
day, how many animals would have been there?
answer: ___________________
READ                       (R)
Make sure you read the question, twice!
What is it asking you to do? Could you explain it to someone else?
CALCULATE           (C)
What calculation is needed? Have you estimated the answer?
SOLVE                    (S)
What strategy are you going to use to solve the problem?
ANSWER                (A)
Have you clearly shown your answer?
CHECK                     (CK)
*Have you checked your calculation? Does it “look” right?